Eight years ago, Miguel and Perla's fourth child was born with severe physical problems. After a long fight for his life, little Jesús passed away, causing a grief for Miguel and Perla that I myself cannot imagine.
A year after his death, they decided to honor their son at Christmas by organizing a gift-giving project. This is something that happens all across our nation at this kind of year. Generous people looking for a way to share their gratitude do this with poor children at Christmastime. Miguel and Perla, however, take that a step further, bringing the gifts that they gather to the children who live in the appalling conditions of the hospitals and poor neighborhoods of Matamoros, Mexico.
It is a lot of work--Miguel tells me that each year with a deep sigh. And it is a lot of blessing. "If I could only bottle the looks in the eyes of those children when they receive a gift. . ."
If you would like to be a part of this, you can send donations to Proyecto Niño Jesús, PO Box 8093; Brownsville, Tx 78526.